aNaMaRiA ~ artblog

Friday, August 24, 2012

Los gestos de Canto a una Rosa ~ The expressions of Ode to a Rose

Estos son los gestos que entregué al equipo de producción del proyecto. Me hubiera gustado poder trabajar en ellos mucho más y conocer a cada personaje completamente, pero no hubo tiempo. Sería ideal poder imaginármelos caminando, corriendo, saltando, conversando filosófica y trivialmente, desesperados, aburridos, melancólicos y chistosos. Saber cómo suenan, qué tan pesados son, que tan extrovertidos o invisibles. Y dibujarlos mientras se me aparecen por ahí. Lo mismo que un escritor.

These are the final expressions I gave to the production team of the project. I would have loved to be able to work on them much more and get to know each character completely, but there was no time.
It would have been ideal to be able to imagine them walking, running, jumping, sustaining philosophical and trivial conversations, in despair, bored, melancholic and playful. Know their sound, their weight, how extroverted or invisible they are. And draw them while they appear to me unexpectedly, as a writer would do.

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